Our calling is to spread the “Good News” to all of mankind, the “Good News” being that Jesus Christ is the Lord of all who yield their life to Him. We will accomplish this most high calling with every moral and Christian method we can. Some of the “Good News” to be spread is described in the following paragraphs:
SAVIOR- Jesus provided the forgiveness of sins for all who will believe on His name and receive Him as Lord.
HEALER- Jesus relieves suffering of mankind by healing them from sickness and diseases. We believe God can work through the medical profession, but is not limited to that means alone. God still heals human beings by faith in the Word of God and the Gifs of the Holy Spirit.
DELIVERER- Jesus through His Word still changes lives. He releases men from spiritual, mental, and physical bondage through the power of His Word; the anointing will break the yoke of bondage that holds men captive to habits, ungodly desires, vices, and other things that enslave humanity.
PROVIDER- As men walk in the light of His Word in the area of the needs of this life, the Lord provides. He is Jehovah Jireh and will supply all our need as we live and walk faithfully.
MEDIATOR OF THE NEW COVENANT- The scripture states we have a New Covenant established on better promises. The believer is a covenant partner with our Heavenly Father by being in Christ Jesus. Therefore, we become benefactors of this glorious union when we walk in obedience to the Word of God.