The Bible makes it clear that belief in the Word of God will bring forth results. As the saying goes, “ The proof is in the pudding”. The following is just some of the “proofs” we have to report about the Life Changing Power of the Word of God.
Men and women are coming to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lives are being eternally changed.
People are being delivered from habits that have held in bondage for years. Secular means have benefitted little, if any at all. The life changing power of the Word of God has delivered them from these vices.
Physical healings are being manifested. The reports are too numerous to list. Jesus Christ is the Great Physician.
Men and women of all ages are being filled with the Holy Spirit. Tongues and interpretation of tongues are being manifested in the services.
Words of Knowledge and Words of Wisdom are being manifested as the Spirit wills….
Without hesitation this statement can go forth, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever”
If you are searching for a place of worship where the Holy Spirit is placed in Leadership, the praise of God is going forth, lives are being changed, and the Gifts of the Spirit are in manifestation, you will find this at ROLWC. If you want to be in a place charged with excitement about Jesus, then ROLWC is the place for you.