We believe the Scriptures are the infallible Word of God and provide guidance to man in all affairs of life. The Scriptures state in Romans 1: 16, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.” (KJV)
Salvation comes from belief on the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and the public confession of Him as one’s personal savior. Forgiveness by God requires change on the part of the one forgiven. This work of grace requires a commitment to follow the Lord Jesus in our daily life and to the local body of believers in fellowship by faithful church attendance.
In-filling of the Holy Spirit is a gift of God as stated in Acts 2. This gift is for all believers and will manifest in the life of a believer if one goes on to receive this precious gift from God. The Holy Spirt was sent to the Body of Christ to be our Helper, Teacher, Guide, and Counselor. He will bring all truths to us as we yield our life to Him and acknowledge Him in all our ways.
Praise and Worship is commanded in the scriptures. We believe one is free to worship God as the Word of God instructs. The Bible declares one is to lift hands unto the Lord and directs worship on various musical instruments. As the writer states, “Let everything that has breath, Praise the Lord.”
Gifts of the Spirit are listed in the scriptures and are a part of our inheritance in Christ Jesus. These gifts manifest in services and works of life as the Spirit of God wills; they draw the lost to our glorious Heavenly Father.
Our desire is that the glory of the Lord fills this place of worship and praise, as we lift our hearts, voices, and hands to Him in worship and praise. We encourage you to be very involved in this part of our service.